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Friday, December 18, 2009

16 - 12 - 2009

Spelling 1 (23-12-2009)
1. decide决定
2. shawl围巾
3. rains cats and dogs下倾盆大雨
4. a bouquet of roses 一束玫瑰花
5. graduation毕业典礼
6. anniversary周年纪念
7. lying躺着
8. spray fertiliser 喷射肥料
9. weed 除草lightning 闪电

Set 2 Paper 1
1. decide决定
2. shawl 围巾
3. 1D
4. 2D
5. present礼物
6. 3B
7. checked格子花纹的
8. paid付款
9. 4A
10. counter柜台
11. 5C
12. raining cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
13. 6A
14. forget忘记
15. condensed milk炼乳
16. bouquet束
17. 7B
18. wedding结婚
19. graduation毕业典礼
20. anniversary周年纪念
21. 8C
22. walking around 走走
23. 9D
24. pond 池塘
25. 10D
26. unloading下货
27. goods货物
28. asleep睡着了
29. 11A
30. 12A
31. direct flight 直飞
32. 13C
33. cruel残忍
34. 14C
35. 15A
36. 16D
37. hungry 饿
38. full饱
39. thirsty口渴
40. 17C
41. cinema戏院
42. 18B
43. carefully小心地
44. its它的
45. his他的
46. he他
47. him他
48. 19D
49. island岛
50. 20B
51. middle = centre中间
52. between 之间
53. lying躺着
54. side旁边
55. 21A
56. situated在
57. located在
58. playground游乐场
59. 22C
60. 23D
61. 24A
62. 25B
63. 26 A
64. garden花园
65. 27B
66. 28C
67. twice a day一天两次
68. weed除草
69. sprays喷射
70. fertiliser肥料
71. 29C
72. 30B
73. lightning闪电
74. safety安全
75. rules规则
76. dos可做的
77. seek寻找
78. shelter护所
79. as soon as马上
80. thunderclouds乌云
81. gather集合
82. sturdy强健
83. metal-roofed有屋顶的
84. vehicle车
85. reduce减少
86. serious严重地
87. injuries伤害
88. keep away远离
89. balcony阳台
90. verandah走廊
91. pillars柱子
92. appliances 用具
93. power tools 能量用具
94. don’ts不要
95. act 行动
96. never从不
97. lightning storm雷雨
98. tent帐篷
99. shed小屋
100. touch触摸
101. unless除非
102. urgent紧急
103. 31B
104. announcement通告
105. 32D
106. 33A
107. 34B
108. avoid避免
109. 35A

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

English 9/12/2009 2.30pm - 4pm

set 1 Paper 1
1. C
2. polish 打蜡
3. scrub 洗擦
4. 2B
5. sponge海棉
6. 3A
7. muddy 多泥的
8. 4C
9. 5B
10. 6B
11. cemetery坟墓
12. 7C
13. look for 寻找
14. spectacles 眼镜
15. spectators 观众
16. dig 挖掘
17. 8C
18. towel 毛巾
19. 9D
20. repair 修理
21. plant 种植
22. pluck 采
23. 10D
24. 11B
25. happen 发生
26. 12C
27. accidentally 意外地
28. pot 花盆
29. 13D
30. at least 最少
31. 14 C
32. spend 度过
33. normally通常
34. 15A
35. twice a week 一个星期两次
36. 16A
37. World Cup 世界杯
38. 17C
39. taking notes 抄笔记
40. 18 A
41. on foot 走路
42. 19A
43. born 出生 ( 前面一定要用 past tense)
44. 20A ( can 后面一定要原本的字)
45. bold大胆的
46. shy害羞
47. friendly友善
48. noisy吵闹
49. brave勇敢
50. 21B
51. 22C
52. 23C
53. 24A
54. demand要求
55. explanation解释
56. 25C
57. 26A
58. 27D while 与此同时
59. 28D
60. football match 足球赛
61. 29 C
62. with 和
63. 30D
64. arrives 到达
65. fishing trip钓鱼团
66. nightmare恶梦
67. drown淹死
68. decide 决定
69. suddenly突然间
70. difficulties 苦难
71. due to 因为
72. strong current 急流
73. manage 设法
74. safety安全地
75. except 除了
76. anxiously 着急地
77. lodged a report 报警
78. 31 C
79. 32 D
80. 33 C
81. 34C
82. 35 D
83. tragedy悲剧
84. contact 联络
85. 36C
86. 37C
87. campsite营地
88. devotion place 热爱地
89. shopping paradise 购物天堂
90. hell 地狱
91. 38 B
92. probably也许
93. 39 C
94. 40 D
95. not valid 没效
96. acceptable 可接受的
97. available 可用的
98. valuable 有价值的
99. advertisement广告

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Test 1 Paper 2 :Section A
1. – writing – friend
She is writing a letter to her friend.

2. – ironing 烫– clothes
My mother is ironing the clothes.

3. – climbing爬 – wall
The boy is climbing over the wall.

4. – works – restaurant
His father works in the restaurant everyday.

5. – become – teacher
Lin Ling wishes to become a teacher when she grows up.

6. – thirty-one – January
There are thrity-one days in January.

7. – feeds – plants
A caterpillar feeds on leaves of the plants.

8. –live – seaside
Mr. Wong and his wife live by the seaside.

9. – movie – ending
The movie has a very sad ending.

10. – sells – market
The fishmonger sells many kinds of fish in the market.

Test 1 Paper 2 : Section B
1. to buy a tin of paint
2. clean the wall
3. stir the paint
4. pour the paint into the tray
5. use a roller to paint the wall

Test 1 Paper 2 : Section C
Pak Mat’s job

a. Pak Mat – ‘nasi lemak’ //– house – bicycle
Pak Mat is a hardworking ‘nasi lemak’ seller. He sells ‘nasi lemak’ from house to house by his old bicycle every morning.

b. – people – buy – delicious好吃
Many people like to buy ‘nasi lemak’ from him because it is delicious. The price also reasonable合理.

c. – makes – money- // plans – buy – motorcycle
After three years, Pak Mat makes a lot of money. He plans to buy a new motorcycle for him.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

coming soon